2020 Waiver - CARE 5K Run/Walk
In consideration of you accepting this entry, I, the participant, intending to be legally bound do hereby waive and forever release any and all right and claims for damages or injuries that I may have against Cass School District 63, Cass Resources for Enrichment (“CARE”) and all of their agents assisting with the event, sponsors and their representatives, and volunteers assisting with the event for any and all injuries to me or my personal property. This release includes all injuries and/or damages suffered by me before, during or after the event. I recognize, intend, and understand that this release is binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees.
I am aware that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I am aware I should not enter and run unless I am medically able to do so. I am aware Cass School District 63 is not involved in organizing this event. I am aware CARE has organized this event as a virtual activity. I am aware CARE has suggested optional routes for this activity and am aware that regardless of use of a suggested route, CARE will not have any support, sanitation, or security measures in place. I acknowledge I am able to choose a location and running route I run on my own, and that I am able to participate in this virtual event at a date and time of my choosing.
I assume all risks associated with participating in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, traffic, course conditions, and viral exposure, and waive any and all claims which I might have based on any of those and other risks typically found in running a road race. I acknowledge all such risks are known and understood by me. I certify as a material condition to my being permitted to enter this race that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for the completion of this event.
I agree to follow all pedestrian safety ordinances including running on a sidewalk where available and not in the road. I agree to follow the rules of the road if no sidewalk or multi-use trail is available, and I will run against oncoming traffic and not with traffic. I further agree to abide by the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and other communicable diseases, and I attest to having read the CDC’s guidance at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html.
With respect to the above released parties, in the event of an illness, injury or medical emergency arising before, during or after the event, I agree that I will be fully responsible for payment of any and all medical services and treatment rendered to me including but not limited to medical transport, medications, treatment and hospitalization.
I understand that this event does not provide for refunds in the event of a cancellation, and by signing this waiver, I consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is cancelled before or during the event. Further, I grant permission to CARE to use images of myself in any photographs or video recording of this event for any legitimate purposes.
By submitting this entry, I acknowledge (or a parent or adult guardian for all children under 18 years) having read and agreed to the above release and waiver.
To signify acknowledgement, please choose 'Yes' on your registration under the heading "I have viewed and electronically sign this waiver" and complete your registration. Once registration is complete, your electronic response and submitted timestamp will serve as your approval.